Maybe nobody doesn't care what his penis looks like, how long, thick, shape he is. Even the attitude of women to their facial features or the shape of the breast is often not so trembling. Why so?
Here are the old, stolen ideas about a "strong woman" that is in order with his male body. And modern media for adults, popular ideal phalluses and even "in the work process". Evolutionary every man has an internal need to feel confident - and show erotic pictures and films what is possible.
But of course they are torn. ANDThe length of the penisIt can be very different and not necessarily successful (both in business and in sex), a man has a big penis. And a lot of representatives of the stronger sex in this topic have no emotional charges: the man is satisfied with his sexual life, he has good contact with the partner, and all components of the "life of the penis" (erection, ejaculation) occur and fulfill.
WishIncrease the penisdoes not come from a good life. Here you can distinguish three main causes of complaints:
- The penis is objectively smallFull sexual intercourse is impossible or very difficult;
- Features of the structure or function of the penis lead toProblems with an erection;
- The man experiencesPsychological failure of your body.
For centuries, people have been looking for opportunities to influence the size of the male dignity - a variety of experiments have been carried out, and not everyone was successful. Which methods for increasing the penis have demonstrated their effectiveness? What are the suggestions that fall on the request? "Increase the penis"It is worth spreading quickly because of your uselessness - to have harm or even harm? For which modern medicine is really capable - and what is myth? Let us find out.
What is normal and what is not?
In a quiet, not upright statePenis lengthUsually 5 to 15 cm varies, the thickness is 2-3 cm. This means that the penis is actually any size that builds, ejaculate, build its owner, "can follow" and pleasure is the norm.
Sometimes this information is sufficient to change the attitude of his organ, and directs the efforts not to increase the size, but to look for a variety of pleasure for himself and a partner.
MicropenisThey call the organ less than 2 cm - this is usually the result of serious hormonal disorders in childhood, which led to the underdevelopment of the penis. If the owner of a small penis uses him successfully, the treatment does not require treatment. Otherwise, the situation requires a thorough examination and individual decision.
Alsomale genital organIt doesn't have to be direct - there are a variety of shapes that can only be compared with the uniqueness of human faces. And again - in advertising we are shown by some ideal samples, but in reality all people and their body parts are very different.
IfThe member is bentAnd this disturbs the physiological exits (for example, the head does not open completely, there is a painful tension during a structure), violates the aesthetic-es to contact a surgeon urologist. Maybe you need itOperation on the penis.
What methods for increasing penis work?
As a rule, medical evidence quickly leads a man to a doctor. But with dissatisfaction with the appearance of the penis, representatives of the stronger sex sometimes try to cope with even "folk methods". Which of them work and which are only myths?
Massage of the penis. A pleasant but useless activity. On the Internet you will find an indication that "stressful effects for cell division" - this cannot be achieved through the ordinary tissue stretch.
Jelking-In is no longer very massage, but step -by -stage manual stimulation according to a certain scheme, rather labor costs: an hour a day for one year. A possible result of the jelking method is an increase in a member by 2 cm in constant classes.
As an alternative to jelking, a member often givesExtensions- These are devices that are worn on the genitals and wear 3 to 12 hours a day for six months. With the help of an extender, the tissue voltage gradually increases and its climb occurs. However, the result is the same - about 2 cm in a non -effect.
Medicines for oral administration, creams, ointments - do not affect the dimensions of the penis. The only drug method that has proven itself isFillers with hyaluronic acid. With the help of injections, an increase in the penis head is possible (the penis is up to 3 cm long) or its thickness.
The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, its effect lasts up to 1 year because the biocompatible drug is gradually excreted by the body. Filling the penis can be repeated.
Lipofinding of a member and a ligientotomy
The most ongoing effect and an increase in length of up to 5 cm result in surgical interventions -Operation Ligamentotomy. During this, a ribbon cuts under the pubic bone that supports the male genital organ - and its visible part becomes longer.
How many centimetersA member will increaseIn a certain case, it depends on the individual properties of the structure of the body. The urban surgeon predicts the effect in the first consultation and explains its conclusions to the patient.
The ligamentotomy refers to low-traumatic interventions, the rehabilitation period takes 2-3 weeks. At this point it is important to observe sexual calm, hygiene measurements and avoid physical exertion.
The effect of the extender already mentioned helps to strengthen the effect of the operation. In this case, this design is necessary to repair the penis in a new position so that the tape that supports its band does not grow together again. The data and the procedure for using the apparatus are clarified by the applicable doctor.
Together with this operation or separated, it is possible to carry outReduction of the volume of the fabric tissue- It happens that she hides the penis with her wrinkles and it seems visually shorter. You can also "open" the male organ and visually extend it if you remove a surplus of adipose tissue in the pubic area.
If there is a wishIncrease the thickness of the penis, suitableLipofilling: Own fatty tissue is extracted from the body zone, where there is its surplus, processed in a special way and administered in the shell of the penis using injections. The organ becomes 1-2 cm thicker.
The result remains up to 2 years, the patient's weight loss can affect it, as the fat cells of the penis lose weight together with all others. If necessary, lipofening can be repeated.
Another intervention with which you can visually increase the male organ -Penis prosthetics. However, it is only shown in erectile dysfunctions if cave -like bodies are not filled with blood if they are excited and a member does not make "hard".
ForPhalloTwo main methods are used. These are silicone inserts (implants) - with their help, the penis looks as if it were constantly in an erection, while the organ can be bent and conveniently lie. Or a system with pumps and a tank is used. It is sewn into the body, and the implants themselves are located in the cave -like bodies of the penis, which the man can fill with liquid at the discretion (the member "increases") or dismiss it from it.
PhalloplastinationEnables a man to return sexual life and natural sensations of satisfaction.
Whatever the problem, what does the man think aboutAn increase in penis- Your decision will clearly affect both his self -worth and health, since regular sex normalizes both the physical and the mental state. It is important not to be used to myths and dubious methods, but to use the success of modern medicine.
It is important to choose a clinic in which urologists have the competencies of plastic surgeons in which intimate male plastic is not accidental, but regular operations and doctors a wide range of methods to help their patients. Clinic specialists help you to understand the problem and offer the best solution.The price for an increase in a member, the costs for the ligientotomy and the prosthetics of a member in the clinic - It can be recognized individually at the main advice of the urologist.